
Creed #4
Fuck cars - they're always in the way. Fuck the government - they just stupidly make life more difficult. Fuck banks - its not their bloody money anyway. Fuck traffic wardens - all that's missin' from the uniform is the fascist armband. Fuck social workers - they're the inept advising the silly. Fuck politicians - all they want is their own snouts in the trough. Fuck religions - none of them can prove there is a god. Fuck bike thieves - they all need stringing up from lamp posts. Fuck political correctness - call a prick a prick for godsake! Fuck loans - debt is the worst form of poverty. Fuck vegetarians - they expect me to enjoy their fuckin' lentils? Fuck racists - they don't even know who their grandmothers bonked. Fuck Aussie soaps - who cares what goes on in fuckin' suburban Dimboowagga? Fuck wimmin libbers - are they all angry dykes who want to be men? Fuck anti-biking legislation - it's proposed by envious bike-hating bureaucrats in pompous suits. Fuck relationships - they all end in tears. Fuck traffic police - they get you for having fun. Fuck car drivers - their incompetence will kill you. Fuck everything but don't fuck with me or my bike!

Donnerstag, 29. April 2004, 09:39, von outrage | |comment

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