Donnerstag, 15. April 2004
1. Schnappen Sie sich den nächsten Stift und das nächste Stück Papier.
2. Schreiben Sie fünf mal hintereinander den Satz: "Ich mach nicht jeden Schwachsinn mit!"
3. Gehen Sie zu Satz 3.
4. Lesen Sie ihn ein paar mal LAUT vor.
5. Wenn Sie möchten, posten Sie den Satz auch in Ihr Weblog.

Danke und danke.

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Creed #3
Biking is better than driving the most expensive car in the world; better than shagging the most beautiful bimbo of your dreams in a bath of champagne; better than seeing a million traffic wardens crushed by roadrollers; better than being given a lifetime free ale in your favourite pub; better than getting your own back on the government; better than winning the pools jackpot ten times in a row; better than seeing every Volvo in the street go up in flames; better than having an all expenses paid holiday in the most exotic place on earth with as many gorgeous willing girls as you can handle.
I ain't done any of these. But I do know that without biking life is just crap!

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